PION 2024 registration list

Welcome on the PION 2024 registration list!

Every member of the team (max. 4 members) has to register via this list. A teamcaptain (first registration) can make a new team at the bottom of this list and specify how you would like to pay.

Costs: A team registration costs 15,00 euro. This is including lunch. Per NNV member 2.50 euro is subtracted from the total costs as discount.
An example: A team consisting of 3 students, of which 2 are NNV members pays 15.00 - 2 x 2.50 = 10.00 euro.

For dinner, a registration list will follow later.

Per registration we ask contact information so that communication about the event can go as smooth as possible.

After the event the personal information will be destroyed. Moreover, this information will not be used for commercial ends.

For this event photos will be taken. This is only for internal usage and after the event, the photos will be shared with you. In case you object to this, please let us know via this form.

In case of questions, contact us via pion2024@arago.utwente.nl

We look forward to see you at PION 2024 on 16 November 2024!
For more information, please see our website: https://pion.arago.utwente.nl

The costs for this event are € 15,00.
Please note: If you register, but don't show up, the event costs can still be charged.

All questions with a * are mandatory.

Name *

Email address *

At which University of Research/University of Applied Sciences are you enrolled? *

Are you a bachelor or masterstudent? *

(Discount) What is your NNV number?

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

(Only teamcaptain) How would your team like to pay?

Do you object to the possibility of photos being taken of you? *

I want to register at

Group name:

Full name

Weet je dit zeker?